Welcome to the 2025 CDBA Peer Forum website! Thank you for attending the largest annual gathering of CDFI, MDI, and other mission-focused bank representatives.
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Advocacy Day and Pre-Conference Cocktail Reception: Tuesday, June 3rd, 2025 Peer Forum Conference: Wednesday, June 4th, 2025 and Thursday, June 5th, 2025 Meeting Location: National Housing Center (NHC) Auditorium at: 1201 15th St NW, 1st floor, Washington, DC 20005 Attire: Business casual for all Peer Forum activities
Hotel Information: The National Housing Center is located in downtown, Washington D.C., within walking distance of a variety of hotels offering rooms at a wide range of price points. We invite you to explore some of the options in our “Hotel Options List.” Please note that CDBA has not arranged a room block at any individual hotels for this event.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding Advocacy Day, please email Joey Zeldin at zeldinj@pcgloanfund.org.
June 3: Advocacy Day & Pre-Conference Cocktail Reception at 5:30 pm ET
June 4: Sessions from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm ET
Cocktail reception at 6:00 pm ET followed by dinner at 7:30 pm ET at Zaytinya
Founded in 1875, the American Bankers Association is a trade association for institutions of all asset sizes and charter types. From delivering the latest industry news to developing mission-critical training offerings, ABA supports America's banks as they perform their vital role in energizing the economy and helping communities thrive. As the banking industry’s champion, members turn to ABA for education, advocacy, tools and insights they need to succeed. ABA’s resources, many of which are free, include online discussion groups, webinars, references and guides,online courses, and assistance from staff experts. ABA provides the training, advocacy and unmatched industry expertise banks need to build a winning strategy for long-term success.